Friday, June 4, 2010
Playing in the Dirt
Dirty Work
Grow Me Some Sustainability

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Composting: Stirring Your Way To Soil
Now that you have a beautiful compost bin working, its time to fill it and actually make some compost. Composting requires two ingredients, better known as greens and browns. Greens are high in nitrogen, and include things like kitchen scraps, green grass clippings, weeds, and green leaves. Browns are high in carbon and include dried brown leaves, dried grass, and straw. Both are necessary to feed the microorganisms that convert the pile of trash into soil. The ideal composting mixture is 4 parts browns to 1 parts greens. Ratios outside of 4:1 take longer to compost, and do not give the microorganisms the nutrition they need. The microorganisms also need water and air, which come easily in the form of rain and wind when you are using an open bin composter. So once you collect 4 parts dead leaves and 1 part banana peels and rotten romaine lettuce from your kitchen, put them in the same chamber of your compost bin. Every day, until soil forms, your job is to go out to the compost pile and stir it around. Most of the microorganisms will be inside the pile, cooking the trash at 160’. You want to make sure all of the leaf and lettuce scraps make it to the inside of the pile so they too can be cooked. The compost usually takes 2-3 weeks to fully cook into soil, so you best be out there stirring it often until a soil like consistency is achieved, that means no pieces of lettuce or tomatoes are visible in the compost. Many composting enthusiasts’ websites recommend using tillers or large forks or other fancy tools to stir their compost. I decided, as usual, to recycle again, and went in the backyard to procure a large stick which I have dubbed my stirring stick. So if you need me during the next 3 weeks, I will be out stirring my pile. Soil, here I come!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Packaging Purpose
Have you ever noticed how much packaging is on food? Now even non processed foods come in containers. Organic bananas are shrink wrapped in plastic, tomatoes are in nets or plastic boxes, and just about everything else seems to be in a pint container or a glass jar. Here are some ideas to reuse these wrappings before you recycle them.
Brown paper bags: coloring surface, book cover, giant paper airplane, wrapping paper, origami swan, and a stuffed animal tent
Plastic bags, this includes the one the bread is in and the blue one surrounding the oreos: trashcan liners, protecting paper and books from the elements, doggie poo bags, gloves, holding toiletries, preventing wet bathing suits from making everything wet, long term storage, freezer storage, and rain apparel for the stuffed animals inside the tent.
Plastic containers, such as pint containers, the box the lettuce comes in, or the tray that holds the Oreos: Tupperware container, leftover food storage, sailboat, hat, bead holder, keeping wet clay soft, pen organizer, loose bolt storage, noise maker, salad shaker, jewelry collector, and hot tub for stuffed animals.
Glass jars: sauce holders, cups, travel cups (note the lid), pen holders, candle holders, storage of small but precious family heirlooms, preserving food, kaleidoscope, glitter storage, rubber band collector around the outside, and a side table for the stuffed animals.
The stuffed animals will sure be glad you choose to reuse.
Composting: Turning a Plastic Bin Into a Maker of Magic
I spent a good portion of today researching composting bins, and I came to the following conclusion. You can either drive out to the hardware store and spend money on a compost bin, or you can fashion one on your own out of wood, chicken wire, or recycled plastic. So, I did what I usually do in all situations, I recycled. In my shed, we have these large plastic shipping bins. I do not know why they are there, they just are, its something I’ve accepted. Anyways, I took one of these bins and made it into a compost bin. This required no effort, all I had to do was announce to the world that this lone green bin now had a purpose, and it was composting. Most composting systems have chambers, that way you can always be adding more rotten tomatoes and dead leaves in. So I built two chambers in my green bin, with some tools known formerly as old plastic bag, hunk of cardboard, and shiny duct tape. I put the cardboard in the plastic bag, so it wouldn’t start composting itself, and then duct taped it in place. I must say, the whole thing looks quite beautiful and I’m quite excited to start using the compost to power my garden.
Composting: Turning Trash to Treasure
Composting, according to the kind people over at, is a mixture of various decaying organic substances, used for fertilizing soil. Now, this may not sound very exciting, but in fact, it is quite exciting. Imagine taking that pile of leaves in your backyard and turning it into food. Or using all the lettuce that has gone bad to grow new lettuce. With composting, that is essentially what you are doing. You are creating nutrient rich soil that allows plants to grow without pesticides or fertilizers. And that soil grows a beautiful, healthy, and organic garden of vegetable delights. Composting is also very sustainable and environmental friendly, because it keeps food scraps and yard waste out of landfills. It’s a win for your garden and a win for the environment.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Fried Rice
So all those veggies that were left over from your raw veggie and dip plate at your Memorial Day cookout/ pool fiesta, they have a place to go. Its called a screaming hot frying pan. And that, along with some culinary magic, will turn them into fried rice. You Need:
Memorial Day Hangover
Ah Memorial Day, good times. There were hot dogs, veggies and ranch, and maybe the occasional s’more. Now that the good times are over, you may be left with some random food items. Possibly a few hot dog buns that don't have a home. A few cups of random raw vegetables. However, I doubt you have any leftover s'mores. If you do, we are no longer on speaking terms. Here is a way to get rid of those homeless hot dog buns, make ‘em into croutons.
First, preheat the oven to 400'. Then take the hot dog bun and slice off the bottom part where the two openings connect. You should be able to take the openings apart, there should be three slices of bun. (See the beautiful photo above). Then slice each bun chunk into crouton sized squares. Try and make each square the same size. Arrange the squares on a greased cookie sheet. Then brush a little olive oil over each square. You don't want to drown the squares, more give them a wipe down. Then sprinkle the spice of your choosing. I used lemon pepper, but feel free to give any herbs or spices a try. Pop 'em in the oven for 20 mins or so, until there nice and toasty. They are so good, you may eat them all plain before you make a salad to toss them on.